Kamis, 06 Januari 2011

Nose Expo @ SubV Saturday 8th Jan 2010

Be sure to check out the Nose Expo at Boutique SubV this Saturday. Nose has been rockin' the Philly scene for a little while now with his funky characters. I really don't know much on the gent besides what I've been able to collect form online but from what I can see he's got some fresh stuff. Come out and check it between 7 and 9 PM (or until we get removed by the local authorities) at 5666 Sherbrooke Ouest.

Check the facebook event here.

Check the dope Flickr account by Nose here. Lots of great work there. I've only had the chance to check his canvasses here and he's got some really solid work there in my opinion (the pic was grabbed from his blog and if its any indication of what were going to see this weekend then it'll definitely be an interesting expo).

Enjoy the show if you're going and if not then I'll be posting my review and pics by early next week.

Lot's of updates coming soon too. I'm still putting together a lot of stuff from the last few months. Forgive me. More soon.
Stay posted.

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