Jumat, 25 September 2009

I really thought all the dope sketches Poet had done deserved a better representation than the last one i did so i picked one I liked and tried to keep the funk alive!!

Kamis, 24 September 2009


Ever since Graffiti went from the trains to the streets, doors have become a popular surface for writers in the city. For the most part doors offer a smooth surface conducive to markers and paint and are areas of high traffic offering the writer guaranteed visibility. Many doors attract tags from passing writers and end up swathed in marker, shoe polish, paint, and inks. Back alleys or street fronts, in Montreal you'll always find some bombed out doors. Here are some local doors that I have found over the last few years.

Minggu, 20 September 2009


Yo Serval!
I was very amped to get into this sketch, thanks a many for the outline!
I had held onto this sketch for a minute; I had the idea of working on the "Mosaic/Stained Glass" concept when I first saw the sketch, so I went for it, and I'm generally pleased with the outcome.
Looking back though, few things I would have done differently would of been: to have match the intensity of the tweeked thick to thin movement on the letters and extensions, especially on the S and the arrows, and also to have included the extension above the T (oops),
lastly to get better flick...colors/lighting suck

Thanks again for that raw uncut flavor!, hope I did this a little justice,
I have a bunch of outlines I need to scan for you...so be on the lookout!


Jumat, 18 September 2009

From the Vault: 2003 Montreal Stylz

I first started taking notice of graffiti in 2003 when I moved downtown. I was living on the Ottawa Street at the bottom of Peel in Griffin Town. Besides a general interest I needed a focus for my academic work and decided that graffiti would be it. I took to the streets as often as I could and whenever I could tracking through the city, alleyways, rooftops, highway system, anywhere and everywhere I saw a hint of paint.

Most of these pics were taken at night with a pocket digital camera as it was the only time I was able to roam about aside from work and class. For the most part the pics came out ok. Some good stuff here from a few local hard hittin' bombers and crews, and some stuff from outta towners. In any case enjoy.

Stay posted. I got lots more in the vault.

hi everybody, it took some time since my last post. the reason is the good weather to paint the last weeks and alot of jobs i have done. this time i come along with a sketch from"Kaput". i added the nightshot after finishing to it, because there you could get a better view on the blends i guess. thanks again to kaput. have a good day homeboys

Kamis, 17 September 2009


Finally managed to get these inked and uploaded. Here ya go Roids! The first one is a I dunno "Contemporary geometric style?" Something I thought you could play around with. The 3d is only implied so by any means feel free to alter it. The second one is more of a concept peice I drew when I was nice and toasted...I gotta give my girl OROE credit for the alien abduction "I" idea . I wouldnt expect you to re create this if you choose to paint it, but use it as an impression or Idea for something of yours. Ultimately its up to you..Cant wait to see what you come up with!?!!?

Rabu, 16 September 2009

TA Wall Pics July 2009

In reflecting upon the recent buffing of the upper TA Wall areas, I thought I'd post some recent pics of the wall from July and August. I've got plenty so I'll post some more of the lower main wall soon.

Selasa, 15 September 2009

Turcot is Killed (Dead)

So it's official folks, Turcot yards have been closed by Transport Quebec. Most access points have been fenced off and private security roams about picking up anyone who trespasses. Since 2003 Transport Quebec (MTQ) has owned the yards, however, up until recently they have not done much with it.

On my way into work the other morning I noticed several crews setting up camp on the service road area just under the Decarie exit. The trailers they had looked like the kind used by graffiti clean up crews. I was passing through this afternoon and noticed that they had buffed all the supports and were working towards the train tunnel area.

Firstly, this seems like a waste of money namely because of the plans we've all been hearing about concerning the redevelopment of the yards in the next few years. Turcot has been a painting area for a little while, why buff it now? Especially if the plan is to redevelop the area? Secondly, buffing the area only makes it a prime target for writers who have the balls to go in and hit up some fresh canvass. I forsee more graff going up there in the near future, even if only some quick throwies.

And this is not the only area buffed out, the MTQ (I assume it is the MTQ, however, Westmount or the borough of Ville-Marie might also be invovled -I am yet to locate something on that) seems to be on a crusade to remove graffiti from the highway system. Under the Ville-Marie expressway from Lucien-Lallier to De Courcelle has been mostly buffed, including the Upper TA Wall area. Again...waste of money? Within 2 days there were already some tags and outlines thrown up. Give it a month and the area is going to be soaked in paint again, as it has been for the last 15 years... And in the typical fashion they buffed only the areas visible from the highway and from the new condo developments across the street, leaving areas that are not visible (lower TA wall and factory as well as some other areas) which begs one to ask what was the real motivation behind the buffing?

Above pics: Upper TA Wall Area

In any case, the idea of Turcot as an open free-range painting area is dead with the choke hold that the MTQ seems to have on the area. The rest of the Ville-Marie expressway still appears to be mostly open (I was walking it just the other day without issue except for a few new fences) and the TA Wall should be back to its former colorful and lustrous state of layered paint in no time. It will be interesting, however, to see just how far the MTQ is going to go with this new program.

Stay posted.

Senin, 07 September 2009

TABOO paints sketch from RUETS

YO Ruets,
Here is my painted version of your outline for me. I actually redrew this and added my own flavor to it, but ultimately decided to stick to the given sketch (for the most part). Hope you like it. I enjoyed painting this one.

TABOO paints sketch from POET

YO Poet
I chose to paint this outline because i think it was well suited for the wall. I liked the "over crowded" look of the piece. I added some Tabooism to the letters, but kept a overall shape of the piece and the crowed letter structure. Hope you like.