Sabtu, 11 Desember 2010

40 Oz. Profits @Salon Officiel Dec 9th

I attended the 40 Ounces Profits on Friday night at Salon Officiel (351 Roy Street, Montreal) to take in some local flavor, good beats, drown down some alcohol, and chill with some of my homie's. I didn't stay the whole night (was pretty finished at about midnightish) but from what I saw the show was a huge success: big attendance, great pieces up on the walls, solid spinning by KidPQ, Hensforth, and Johnny Illdigger, and a general air of good times. This spot is great for a show: big enough floor space, a dance floor, dedicated DJ booth, and lots of liquor. I definitely recommend more shows at this spot.

The pieces were really nice, a wide variety of mediums, color, and style. KidPQ had up one of his infamous collage pieces that was an absolute pornographic cornucopia. Throne had up 2 pieces, one named "lock down" inspired from her obsession with the show of the same name that sported a nice home-made shank, and another fly oil-based canvass that she's been working for a little that seemed to just belong in there with the lighting and ambiance. Sohoe pulled off a tight piece -"So Holy" -that I think played with some cool stylistic elements.

Sirus dropped a wicked ghoulish comic-style canvass reminiscent of some of those Marvel worlds I used to travel as a kid -not that glossy shit in all the comics today, this had texture, like the comic book pages back in the day. Twats killed a hand drawn freight piece framed in worked metal: man I didn't even realize it was hand drawn at first, this piece was dope for sure. It's a shame I couldn't get a good enough flick of it 'cause of the glass frame.Anyway, it was dope.

Beast murdered his rendition of Michelangelo in a finely executed canvass using spray paint and air brush. As a die hard fan of TMNT from back in the day (Eastman and Laird style) this one was one of my favorites of the night. Fuckin' solid.
Imp adorned the area with several pieces on canvass and a couple of jean jackets. His canvas was an extraordinary piece of work, highly detailed, fresh, and made you somewhat shifty.

Like much of the other work being exhibited, it draws you in, and has you searching through it's finer details and inner workings. His jean jackets were also tight works, my favorite of the two he was showing was the one with the character that looked like it belonged to a "Day of Dead" festival out of Mexico -deep colors and nice set of tits. Another signature piece by KidPQ: a Polaroid collage, was also featured next to some dope hand styles by Asek.
Rounding out the room were two letter pieces by Killa EF -who's styles never disappoint, and a limited edition print by Alveno. Overall a killer line up of some local talent that when brought together in one spot like this something not to be missed. Speaking of that, turns out this was a one-night affair. So if you missed it then you missed big 'cause the works were sick, the party was spot on, and the mooks were in good spirit. But no worries, I'm sure there will more to come.

On a special note: a commemoration table for Jays and Aber was set up at the door for all to sign and get them up one more time that I'm happy to report was full 2 sides over by the end of the night. Some prints and tees are gonna be made with proceeds going to The Dyan Ford Scholarship Fund. So big ups to all who attended and dropped some love for the fallen. Here are some of my shots from the night.

Again, big ups to all the artists and everyone invovled, solid show and night. Updates from Vanhorne, Rosemont, TA, and more coming soon so stay posted.

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