Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010

Chinatown, Old Port, MSK, and stuff in between

Hey folks, the laptop is still down and out but the good news is I haven't lost anything. It'll just take a little time to transfer all my pics and stuff. I got some good flics here from mid September when MSK was still in town for Can You Rock? and the tattoo convention. I knew last time Norm was in town he was running around with Sake bombing up the Old Port and the surrounding environs. So I figured if I was going to find anything by these cats that it would be in that general area. Although I didn't find much in the Old Port, I did bench some good flics from Chinatown. Also got some locals in the mix too. I've got more from MSK while they were in town but I just have to put it together. I'll throw some more in the next posts to come when I come across them.

I'm also going to be dropping more from the vault as I have plenty to share. Interviews, writers corner (featuring guest authors), writer and crew focus pieces are also going to be some upcoming features to the blog in the coming months. So keep posted for some fresh stuff from in and around the Montreal area. For now enjoy these shots.

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