Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010

Under Pressure 2010: Day 1

Over the past weekend Under Pressure celebrated its 15th year of bringing a solid weekend hip hop jam to the city of Montreal. On Saturday the 14th, the walls and area around Peace Park were painted by K6A, Crazy Apes Crew, and UNC, skateboarders were riding along the park, a break floor was set up that had some unusual and interesting guests amid a little bit of breaking and general fun, while some music was pumped out by a couple of hip hop groups and deejay's. On Sunday the 15th scaffolding and graff lined the streets behind and around Foufounes Electriques, b-boys and b-girls were breaking it up in the parking lot on St. Catherine's Street to the beats from the Deejay booth, while an solid half-pipe hosted a skate boarding competition that grinded to the beats of another deejay booth set up right behind Foufs. Besides some rain on the the 15th late in the afternoon that progressively intensified into the eventing the event was a real success. Cheers to the organizers for the event's continued success and for letting me be a part of it again.

This post is going to cover the 14th only for now. I got a tonne of photos to go through, more for the 15th as it was the larger set up and size to the the day before. The 14th was  more crew oriented with several painting large productions. The second day was dedicated more to individual pieces, however, several crews also put together some fine productions.

And get this: my camera went bust on me the night before UP15, Friday the 13th no doubt. I got some funky error on my camera that I couldn't figure out. I searched it up and found a bunch of message boards bitching about the same thing. Turns out that my make of camera (rebel t1i) had some kind of shutter issue and many other consumers had been victim to the same error code as I had, but only 6 months into using it. I bought mine over a year ago. In any case my buddy Thom saved my ass by passing me his extra camera and Guzzo passed me some memory so I could shoot a shit load. So big shout out to my boys for having my back. Oh, and for the first couple of hours on Saturday I didn't realize I was shooting in black & white, but some of the shots came out pretty nice I think. So beyond these photos I'm not going to putting anything really new until Can You Rock in September or if/when I ever get my camera back. But I have a load of photos from the past few months I'll be posting. And then I'll siphon off the vault until I can get back on the streets with some hardware.

I'll have pics from the 15th up soon.

And the finished walls...
And this gem by Stare that's been there for a little now...
 More from Sunday coming in the next couple of days! Stay posted!

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