Minggu, 18 April 2010

Griffintown & VC Tunnel April 2010

I've been meaning to go and do a flic mission in Griffintown for a little while now. I used to live on Ottawa Street near the bottom of Peel a few years back and its the first place that I started looking at Graffiti differently. Historically it was once a working-class neighborhood stretching as far north as Notre-Dame street and bounded on the east by McGill street and on the west by Guy Street. Now its mostly an industrial area spotted with some lofts and old apartment blocks. The proper name of this area is Saint Ann's Ward in the borough of Le Sud-Ouest. The name Griffintown was derived from a woman named Mary Griffin who apparently obtained this land from a gent named Thomas McCord around 1796 who was out of town at the time so his business associate Patrick Langan made some kind of sketchy deal with her to sell her the land. The area she got was much larger than Griffintown that opened up as rented lot space in 1799 with the proceeds going to her and the local nuns and church. Between the 1820s and 1960s it was populated by a large immigrant population, namely the Irish.

Picked up a few flics of the area on my way and another train bridge with some minor activity. I was pleased some hits by some writers like Gawd, Castro, Bank, Bez, and others from both VC and AG Crews. Also caught some political scrawlings on a couple of streets. I knew of the maintenance tunnel area for a while but was never able to make it a destination on any of my treks. I think I'll try to stop by there more often. I really wanted to get into that maintenance tunnel but it was all locked up. In a couple of spots it looked like the bars had been forced open but again I was too large to fit through. So I had to settle with just taking pics of the entrance way that was pretty well soaked. Would've been nice to get into the tunnels there to go take some pics though. Like I said I'll try to make it a regular spot to take flics so I might get lucky one of these days and find it invitingly open.

Check out these pics for now.

Rosemont pics coming as soon as I get out there.

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