Rabu, 24 Maret 2010

Turcot February 2010

As promised, I'm continuing the thread from that monster trek or two I took in mid February. My first post from last September spoke of the death of Turcot and how the MTQ had not only effectively buffed most of the yards but had fenced off the area and had security patrolling the perimeter and policing the grounds. My most recent visit to the yards didn't convince me that this was letting up anytime soon, however, I was able to get in and around the area to catch some new graff along the train tunnel  and even some older stuff along one of the hidden walls alongside the Hwy 20. Here are my pics including some pans of older stuff from that hidden wall and some other stuff from the walk in along the tracks from St. Henri.
After cutting in through an old fence gate overgrown with vines and frozen vegetation I made my way through the desolate remains of the heart of Turcot`s open and snowy interior. Not much in there at all except for snowy dunes carved by an unforgiving wind.
I walked along a make shift road and then crossed through to the service road that runs along the long stretch of the yards. It was a 3 km hike to the Raphael Motel which was my next destination and there wasn`t much to see. I did, however, come across this gem by Quidam in the middle of this frozen wasteland:
You got to hand it to him, in the middle of nowhere, he gets up. I also came across this old power station hollowed out and left to rot:
(The inscription reads: "Dedicated to Truth & Love R.I.P.")

Nothing else of interest was found until I got to the Raphael Motel a little ways off. You can check pics of that fine and abandoned spot here. I`ll have some more quick flics from the yards soon as Sake and a few others have been busy causing more trouble than they already have been. I`ll have more on CBR and my more recent trek along the tracks through Pt. St. Charles.

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