Senin, 11 Januari 2010

TA Wall and Factory December 2009

OK so here are my shots from mid December of the TA Wall and Factory. Still not much activity on the top wall and some pretty constant action on the lower portion. Seems that the buffing has not been as successful as the city or MTQ had hoped. But its not like they have been vigilant in their efforts as of late. I can see the wall area coming back to its colorful self by spring. Enjoy these shots. I'll hopefully have more up from around town soon enough.

Here are my final shots of the Factory from 2009. The first 2 are pan shots from several areas on the 2nd floor. Some nice new stuff, old stuff too. A really like the wayt eh snow settles in open piles and blankets from the open walls and shattered sky lights. There is a quiet peace about this place in the winter that I find eerily relaxing.

About halfway through the 2nd floor, on the southside near the windows I found an interesting installation by a writer named Metrs (maybe Meirs??). I had been in the factory not a week or so prior and caught a shot of his piece without the extra stuff. To walk through again and find this extra installed portion of the piece really struck me. In the last 7 years of taking shots here I've never seen anything like this, especially done after the fact. The installed portion really adds to the piece pulling it out of the wall and incorporates the corner section very cleverly.

Here's another interesting piece I shot by MOES, the last time I was in the factory there was another piece by the writer in the same spot. It was a portrait piece as well, but of a different person. Seems he came back in to redo it in another likeness.

Castro at Work the building over...

I'll have more from CBR and around town soon. Fresh pics and some stuff from the vault coming soon!

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